Joshua Feldon

Redmond Declares World Migratory Bird Day

Redmond Declares World Migratory Bird Day

Thanks to the efforts of Joshua Feldon, a high school junior and new Conservation Committee member, Redmond proclaimed May 14, 2022 as World Migratory Bird Day.  

Joshua Feldon and proclamation signed by Mayor Angela Birney.

Though birders are all aware of the astonishing feat that millions of birds perform twice yearly flying from their winter homes in Central and South America to their breeding grounds in North America and back again, many in the public remain unaware.  As a first step in promoting bird-friendly communities and to increase public awareness, Joshua presented the Redmond City Council with the proclamation which was signed by Mayor Angela Birney.

Josh started noticing backyard and neighborhood birds while spending extra time at home during the pandemic.  He became fascinated by the wide variety of avian sights, sounds, and behaviors and started to look forward to seeing both new species and familiar visitors.  When he developed a soft spot for a visiting Northern Flicker he named “Windom” he knew he was hooked and started looking for ways to help our local birds thrive.  Working with EAS has been a natural fit.  An honors student at Redmond High School, Josh hopes to someday combine his STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) talents and his passion for wildlife as an environmental engineer

So, what’s next?   Joshua suggested the Conservation Committee join National Audubon and the International Dark-sky Association in developing a Lights Out program, which encourages building owners and managers to turn off excess lighting during migrating months.  We are getting our subcommittee organized. If you or someone you know is interested in being on the team, we would be delighted to have you join us. Please email the office or Claire Waltman, Conservation Chair, at