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Take Action at Home
Resources for protecting birds, saving energy, and making sustainable food choices.
Cats Indoors Guidelines for protecting birds, by the American Bird Conservancy
Reduce Your Impact at Home Ideas from EAS members
45+ Ways to Conserve Water in the Home and Yard By Eartheasy
Photo: Goose family, by Tyler Hartje
Catalog Choice Stop unwanted mail
Freecycle Reusing useful items within communities
Seafood Watch Sources for sustainable seafood
Take Action in Your Garden
Sources for ideas about making your yard friendly to birds and wildlife.
National Audubon Society Bird Friendly Communities
Habitat at Home (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)
All About Birdfeeders (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Landscaping with Native Plants for Wildlife (Washington Native Plant Society)
Native Plants for Western Washington Gardens (Washington Native Plant Society)
Recycling on the East Side
Tips for keeping stuff out of the landfill when the weekly pickup won't take it.
What do I do with…?
King County website provides information about recycling or disposing of household items from batteries to paint to electronics.
Batteries should never be put into the trash or household recycling, and they are not accepted at recycling events held in King County cities.
However, many local libraries and the Whole Foods stores have drop-off bins for batteries. They are also accepted by hazardous waste dumps such as the Factoria Transfer Station. We suggest keeping a container at home for all used batteries, from hearing aid to large flashlight sizes, and dropping them off periodically.
Eastside Audubon is a big fan of this entrepreneurial business in Kent
Never put prescription drugs or over-the-counter remedies in the trash or flush them down the toilet. Some local drug stores will dispose of these for you. Two examples: Bartell Drugs at Bellevue Village or Bridle Trails. Ask at your pharmacy. Leave the meds in their individual containers.
King County Solid Waste declares these bottles with snap lids not recyclable.
Dispose of them (empty) in the trash. Yes, there is a recycling symbol at the base of prescription bottles, but unless a container has a threaded cap it is trash. These are presently not useful to the humane society.
Habitat Restoration Grants
For projects on the east side of Lake Washington.
Jim Rettig has long been an advocate for the environment and in 2003 the Board of Directors created the James S. Rettig Grant fund to honor his work with Eastside Audubon.
In the 1990s Jim Rettig served three terms as President of Eastside Audubon (known then as East Lake Washington Audubon) and helped make the chapter what it is today.
In 2003, the Board of Directors committed to fund the James S. Rettig Grant up to $500 a year. These funds are available for habitat restoration projects on the Eastside.
To apply for a Rettig grant, please email the Conservation Committee and request application information. Grant applications are accepted throughout the year.
National Issues
Resources for action on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, climate change, and other policy issues that affect birds and their habitat.
Photo by Mick Thompson