Email Preferences
Sign up for the Eastside Audubon email lists that match your interests.
To add your email address to any of the following email lists, please click Subscribe. Doing so will create an email message from you to Eastside Audubon. Simply send the message.
Photo Group
Meetings, field trips, and other topics of interest to photographers. Subscribe.
Eastside Audubon events and activities and selected community happenings. Subscribe.
Volunteer Opportunities
Projects you can help with and invitations to events just for volunteers. Subscribe.
Action alerts and news about issues related to birds, wildlife, and habitat conservation. Subscribe.
Corvid Crier
Newsletter published monthly except January and August, with chapter news and schedule of birding walks, trips, and classes. Subscribe.
Questions or Updates to Your Subscriptions
To ask a question or change any of your Eastside Audubon email subscriptions, please email If possible, please include the name or subject of the email list about which you are writing. Thank you.
Photo: Mallard, by Tyler Hartje