
Visit EAS at our Upcoming Events

Eastside Audubon will be hosting a booth for some upcoming events in the Eastside area!

Mount Si High School (MSHS) Green Team and The Snoqualmie Tribe Earth Day Celebration.  

Please join us as we will host a booth (12:00 – 2:00) and we need volunteers.  This is your chance to celebrate our Earth! 

Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 9:00-2:00 

Kimball Slough Nature and Conservation Area. Across from Mount Si High School (Meadowbrook way side).
To celebrate Earth Day!

Tentative schedule: 

9:00 - 9:30
Opening/Welcome (Land acknowledgement and Orientation)

9:30 - 11:30
Restoration Work Party
Planting native plants
Removing invasive species

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 2:00
Organization / Education Booths / Stations

We look forward to seeing you there.

Please reach out to Jeannine Sielinski if you are interested in volunteering with the booth!

Pollinator Fest

Join Eastside Audubon on May 4th for a fun-filled, family friendly day of pollinator themed activities at 21 Acres in Woodinville.

Eastside Audubon will be hosting a booth at this event, so make sure to stop by and say hi!

There will be speakers on soil, pollinators and garden friendly bugs, farm and garden tours, nature walks and exploration, presentations, and much more.

Find out more info on the Sammamish Valley website here, and looking forward to seeing you there!

Eastside Audubon Turns Out for Wetlands Fair

Eastside Audubon Turns Out for Wetlands Fair

By Lori Danielson

The City of Bellevue held a family-friendly World Wetlands Day open house on the first Saturday in February at the beautiful Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center and Eastside Audubon joined in the fun by setting up an information table at the fair. World Wetlands Day is a global event held each February to recognize the importance of protecting our wetland ecosystems. EAS was among several other environmentally-oriented local nonprofits represented, including 300 Trees, Bellevue Master Naturalists, Bats Northwest, Washington Native Plant Society and Beavers NW.

The Eastside Audubon table was staffed by volunteers eager to introduce community members to birds and our organization. EAS Community Outreach Chair Jeannine Sielinski was joined by volunteer Lori Danielson for the 3-hour event in which we displayed our mounted Red-tailed Hawk and Bufflehead to draw interested children and adults to the table and answered participants’ questions about birds. We offered Eastside Audubon brochures and maps of The Great Washington State Birding Trail. The event was not too heavily attended but it was a nice way to start 2024’s community outreach effort.

If you’re interested in volunteering for Eastside Audubon at future outreach events, email Executive Director Amanda León at

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Eastside Audubon Society has some exciting events coming up in April and May!

April Program night : Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands Movement | April 27th

Join us for an inspiring evening, where we will learn about the Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands Movement and how they are bringing awareness to preserving their ancestral homelands. This event is not only an opportunity to learn about indigenous rights and the impact of recreation on the environment but also a reminder of our duty to be mindful of our impact on the environment when engaging in recreational activities. 

Workshop: A shared vocabulary for bird sounds| April 24 & May 1st

Most attempts to teach bird sound identification rely primarily on memorization. This workshop takes a different approach. Just as beginning birders learn the different parts of the bird and how to distinguish colors like “buff” and “rufous,” we will study the different parts of a sound and how to distinguish tone qualities like “burry” and “polyphonic.” Once we have a common vocabulary for describing bird sounds, we can apply these skills to some bird sound identification challenges in the region.

No matter your level of experience, this workshop will help you listen to sounds more analytically, describe them more accurately, and use them more effectively in identifying birds. This workshop by Nathan Pieplow will be recorded and shared with registered participants. Nathan is the author of The Peterson Field Guide Bird Sounds of Eastern & Western North America.

Workshop: Earbirding with your Phone | May 4th

In this online session by Nathan Pieplow, we will discuss apps for recording and identifying birds with your cell phone, with special attention to Merlin Sound ID.

Nathan Pieplow has been fascinated by birds since his childhood in South Dakota, and has intensively studied bird sounds since 2003. He is a professor at the University of Colorado and author of The Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Eastern & Western North America.