The Great Blue Heron (GBHE) is about 46" long and has a wingspan of 72". The Puget Sound region has a specific sub-species, Ardea herodias fannini. It is our largest and most common heron, about the size of a Sandhill Crane.
Green Herons belong to the genus Butorides, which refers to being “bittern-like” and derives from Butor, an Old English word for bittern. They are the species virescens, from the Latin viresco, to become green (Holloway, 2003).
The Belted Kingfisher (BEKI) is 13” long with a wingspan of 20”. The genus name Ceryle (ah-SER-ih-lee) is from the Greek kerylos, a halcyon, or in Latin halcyon, a kingfisher.
The American Bittern (AMBI) is about 28” long with a wingspan of 42”. The genus name Botarus (boh-TAW-rus) is from the Latin botarus, a bittern, and the species name lentiginosus , freckled, referring to the speckled plumage.