The Brant (BRAN) is about 25” long with a wingspan of 42”, which compares to 45” long and 60” wingspan of the most common Canada Goose.
Canada and Cackling Goose
Mitochondrial DNA study of the Canada Goose has resulted in two matriarchal size-related species of very similar looking geese. The Canada Goose is now the larger-bodied group which breeds in mid-range latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The Cackling Goose is the smaller-bodied group which breeds in the tundra region.
Trumpeter Swan
Greater White-fronted Goose
The Greater White-fronted Goose (GWFG) is about 28” long with a wingspan of 53” and a weight of 4.8 lb. (2200g). This about one-half the weight of the large common Canada Goose. The genus name Anser (AN-ser) is Latin for goose. The species name albifrons (AL-bih-frons) is from the Latin albus meaning white, and frons for forehead, hence, white-fronted for white front of face.