The Redhead is one of seven North American members of the genus Aythya, from the Greek aithuia, a kind of diving bird.
White-winged Scoter
The White-winged Scoter is one of the world’s three scoters, all of which are seen in winter along the Washington coast. They are all in the genus Melanitta from the Greek melas, black, and netta, a duck. Heinrich Boie (1794-1827) Latinized the Greek word for duck and misspelled it. However, the principle of priority allows the error to stand
Common Merganser
The Common Merganser (COME) is about 25” long with 34” wingspan and weighs 3.4 lb (1530 g). The genus name Mergus is Latin for diver. The species name merganser is from Latin mergere meaning to dip, plunge, and anser meaning goose. It is called Common because it may be seen more often than other members of its genus.
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
Long-tailed Duck
American Wigeon
Greater and Lesser Scaup
Ruddy Duck
Wood Duck
Barrow's Goldeneye
Harlequin Duck
The Pacific Harlequin is the only duck in the world that divides its time between oceans and mountains. It spends summers in turbulent mountain streams and winters in rocky coastal waters. Weighing only 1 ½ pounds, a harlequin, 16-18” in length, is about half the size of a wild mallard. The four letter code is HARL.