Eastside Audubon’s Birdathon 2025

Join us for our most rewarding fundraiser of the year, Birdathon! Count birds as a team, attend a birding trip, or make a donation to support our chapter’s conservation, education, and advocacy work. Birdathon happens every Spring and is Eastside Audubon’s biggest fundraiser. Whether you are just getting started or an avid birder, everyone can make a difference for birds this year by taking part in this exciting event. Flock with us this May!

What is Birdathon?

Birdathon is like a walkathon, a bike-a-thon, or dance-a-thon. It’s a way to put the fun in fundraising by getting lots of people excited about conservation. Like a walkathon, participants gather pledges from friends, family, work colleagues, and others who want to help Eastside Audubon keep providing the great programs we offer the community. Our Big Day teams are asking for support and donations as they count every bird species they see during the Spring migration. Audubon chapters all over the country hold this entertaining and creative event during the month of May.

What Your Gift Supports

The funds we raise during Birdathon support our annual programming. Our work in the Eastside community is important. We help homeowners turn their yards into bird havens. We continue to improve bird habitat with our Marymoor Park Bird Loop restoration work. We are working on our bird surveys along the Sammamish River. Our Youth Education Committee works to educate and inspire the next generation of environmentalists. Our conservation advocacy group continues to communicate with Washington State Legislators and local city governments. Our volunteers are in the field hosting bird trips, and many of our participants are beginning birders who found joy in birdwatching during the pandemic. Our work is dependent on the support of our membership and our community, both through donations and volunteers.

How to Get Involved

We have a variety of ways you can support!

Thank You!

Thank you for your generous support of birds and their habitat. Your continued efforts of volunteering, participating, and supporting Eastside Audubon helps us keep the birds singing!