The Nisqually NWR offers a diverse combination of habitats and birds. At the mouth of the Nisqually River, the trail and boardwalk allow observation of wetland, ponds, grassland, and the tidal flow. Fall migrants of waterfowl and shorebirds should be in good numbers joining regulars such as woodpeckers, sparrows, and marsh birds. A variety of raptors is possible. The total distance from the visitor center to the end of the boardwalk and back is 4 miles of flat walking. Some may choose to walk only part way. Admission is free if you have a National Golden Pass, Senior Pass, or Federal Duck Stamp. Meet before 7 a.m. at North end of the Wilburton Park-N-Ride (I-405, exit 12, I-405 & SE 8th St. - 720 114th Ave. SE) to carpool. Bring a lunch, water, and snacks, and dress for the weather. Return about 2 p.m. People of all levels of birding skill will enjoy this trip. Passenger cost $15.00/car divided by passengers. No registration required. Contact leader Andy McCormick at 425-518-0892 the morning of the trip.
Pileated Woodpecker by Mick Thompson