An Evening Walk Along the Snoqualmie Valley Trail at the Stillwater Unit — June 1
Take a relaxed early evening walk along the Snoqualmie Valley Trail looking for spring migrating warblers, vireos, and flycatchers. We are sure to see some of the resident birds including nesting woodpeckers, swallows, and with luck we will find Virginia Rail and American Bittern. Meet at the parking area for the Stillwater Unit of the Snoqualmie Wildlife Area which is on SR-203 between Carnation and Duvall. The entrance is about 300 yards north of the Stillwater Store. A Discover Pass is required for parking. Leaders: Jan and Tim McGruder. Contact Jan McGruder to register at 425-822-8580. On the day of trip contact for Jan is 425-417-4462.
*This field trip is part of Eastside Audubon’s Birdathon fundraiser. A donation of $25 or more is encouraged to support the conservation, education, and advocacy work of our chapter.
Hairy Woodpecker by Mick Thompson