Shorebird migration will be active in early August and we will take advantage of it to observe the tidal flats and waterways of the Conway, Fir Island, and Skagit River area including the restored Hayton Reserve tidal flats. In addition to shorebirds, we will watch for migrating waterfowl and lingering hawks and other raptors We’ll also have opportunities for a variety of songbirds.
We’ll leave from Kirkland’s Kingsgate Park & Ride at 6:30 a.m. Bring binoculars, lunch, and dress for the weather. Scopes will be helpful. This trip will be limited to 11 people in three cars. Two volunteer drivers will be needed. There will be some walking but it will be on level ground.
Passenger cost per person $10.00. Return by about 4:00 p.m. Call leader Andy McCormick at (425) 518-0892 to reserve a place.