Bellevue Candidate Forum — Eastside Audubon Society
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Bellevue Candidate Forum

General elections for Bellevue City Council are coming up in November.  Eastside Audubon is proud to partner with Save Coal Creek (please see and People For Climate Action – Bellevue to present a Bellevue City Council Candidates Forum that will put the environment front and center.

The last couple of years have presented or amplified a variety of environmental challenges in our region.  We have seen some of the worst heatwave conditions to have ever hit the Pacific Northwest.  Our iconic population of Southern Resident Killer Whales is faced with extinction due to the shrinking populations of salmon in the Salish Sea ecosystem.  And, of course, wildfires appear to be increasing in frequency and severity.

If you are a resident of the city of Bellevue, or simply want to listen in, we invite you to join our Bellevue City Council Candidates Forum.  We will pose some of these environmental challenges to the incumbents and challengers and listen as each of them sees how Bellevue can do its part to address these challenges. There will be an opportunity for some questions from the audience at the end of the forum.

Please join us in this virtual forum.  Registration is free but is required.

Later Event: October 14