This birding trip is now full, the next first-time birder trip is July 17th, open the next calendar page for details.
This field trip is for the novice birder, someone with little or no birding experience. It includes a combination of instruction and field time. Trip leaders Lori and Antonio will first cover topics such as birding etiquette, bird identification, using field guides, birding apps and binoculars before heading out into the park for a bird walk. At the conclusion there will be time for Q&A.
This trip is a good primer before heading out on your own or joining other Audubon field trips. Due to COVID-19 safety protocols you must provide your own binoculars and participants must wear masks during this event. Children 10+ are permitted if accompanied by a parent/guardian.
The trip is free but limited to 8 people and pre-registration and agreement to follow COVID-19 safety protocols is required. Contact Antonio Montañana at to register or with any questions.
Mallard by Mick Thompson