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Global Big Day Birding Competition

Global Big Day is an annual celebration of the birds around us. To celebrate this day, Eastside Audubon is conducting a fun birding competition! This competition will give birders opportunities to contribute the following:

  • Contribute important data through ebird checklists to help scientists better understand birds.

  • Donate to Eastside Audubon to support its work to preserve and enhance ecosystems for the benefit of birds.

  • Compete with other birders, have fun and win some cool prizes! 

How to participate?

Register as an individual or team. 

Registration fees is $10 per participant

Last date to register is May 13, 2022

Create a trip report (Named GBD_Team/Individual Name) on ebird and share it with eastsideAS on ebird. 

Learn how to create a trip report here 

Don’t have an ebird account? Get started here 

Go birding on May 14th and add all checklists into the trip report for review by the judges.

Results to be announced through mail and social media on May 22nd!

Competition Guidelines

Checklists should be created while birding in Washington state 

Checklists should record birds seen/heard only between midnight May 14 to midnight May 15.

Birds can be identified by sight or sound. 

Playback of recorded bird songs should not be used to lure birds in.

All participants should follow the ABA Code of Ethics

Additional Guidelines for teams 

At least two of the team members should identify each species recorded.

Team members should bird together (within shouting distance) and should not split up to cover more area.


Prizes for two individuals who record the greatest number of species. 

Prize for the team which most number of species recorded

Prize for individual who spots the rarest bird

A lucky draw participant prize!

Winners can choose one of these three cool birding accessories as their prize 

We look forward to your participation! If you have any questions, please feel free to write to