Marvels of Midway: Albatrosses and Other Wildlife on the Pacific Atoll
Albatross Family by Carla Conway
Please join us on September 22nd to hear guest speaker Carla Conway as she talks about the birds and wildlife on the rarely visited Midway Atoll.
Midway Atoll, located more than 1,300 miles northwest of Honolulu, is the site of the world’s largest nesting albatross colony. Each fall, nearly one million albatrosses return to Midway’s three small islands to breed, nest, and raise their chicks. An annual nesting albatross census has been conducted on Midway for over 20 years by US Fish and Wildlife Service volunteers.
Carla was one of these “Bird Counters” during the 2021-22 census. Her photography work wowed members of the Eastside Audubon Photography group in February when they selected her as the Photographer of the Month.
For our September Program Night, Carla will introduce us to Midway, its albatrosses and other wildlife including endangered Laysan ducks, Hawaiian monk seals and green sea turtles.