EAS Intern May 20, 2018 chickadee/finch/sparrow, gallery - woodland Chestnut-backed Chickadee EAS Intern May 20, 2018 chickadee/finch/sparrow, gallery - woodland Its genus Parus comes from the Latin for titmouse and the species rufescens is from the Latin for "to become reddish". It is the most brightly colored chickadee.
EAS Intern March 10, 2018 chickadee/finch/sparrow, gallery - woodland Black-Capped Chickadee EAS Intern March 10, 2018 chickadee/finch/sparrow, gallery - woodland The Black-capped Chickadee is the most common and widespread of the chickadees and is easily identified by the average person.
EAS Intern March 1, 2018 chickadee/finch/sparrow, gallery - woodland Mountain Chickadee EAS Intern March 1, 2018 chickadee/finch/sparrow, gallery - woodland A white eye stripe on the Mountain Chickadee is unique among chickadees.