President’s Letter: Navigating a Changed World

President’s Letter: Navigating a Changed World

With lots of time at home right now, I was reminiscing back to May of last year and the time I spent with so many of you. Just twelve months ago, I was on my first ever trip to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge with my two best birding buddies, excited to do my first Big Day: a quest to see as many birds as possible in one day to support Eastside Audubon’s biggest fundraiser of the year—Birdathon.

Restoration of Riparian Habitat

Restoration of Riparian Habitat

While researching some literature in preparation for Eastside Audubon’s upcoming bird survey of the Willowmoor Project area at Marymoor Park, I learned that by taking into consideration some important elements of restoration design and new plantings, restoration of riparian habitat could significantly improve bird abundance and diversity in an area that had previously become degraded.