Next Steps
Following onboarding, you should have completed the following items:
Read through the EAS Leadership Guide
Read through the EAS Bylaws
Looked over the Annual Calendar of Events
Filled out, signed, and emailed the Conflict of Interest to the President
Filled out, signed, and email the Confidentiality Agreement to the President
Signed up for the Corvid Crier Newsletter
Looked over our Membership options
Explored Audubon Works
Explored the Audubon Chapter Leader Updates
If you’ve missed any of these steps, please go back and complete them! If you have successfully completed everything, we are happy to welcome you to the Board.
Now that you’re fully onboarded, look out for our monthly Board Meetings. You can also check out our calendar for an up-to-date list of our events!
If you have any questions about the organization, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Thank you!
This section is still a work in progress.