Sponsor a Community Lecture

Each month, from September to May, Eastside Audubon brings renowned naturalists to present a wide range of issues impacting our environment. We make these events free and open to the public because we believe that sharing information about our natural world leads to informed decisions on pressing conservation issues.

When you make a gift to support our Program Night Lecture Series, you are ensuring we can continue to bring leading experts in to inform our neighbors about these important issues and the actions they can take to help. Make your gift today!

Highlights of Past Lectures


  • September - Grizzly Bear Recovery in Washington State with Graham Taylor of the National Parks Conservation Association

  • May - Pigeon Guillemots with writer and artist, Frances Wood

  • April - Birds in Our Midst: Creating Gardens Filled with Life with Master Gardener, Julie O’Donald


  • October - Owl: A Year in the Lives of North American Owls with writer and wildlife photographer, Paul Bannick

  • May - Penguins in the Desert with writer Eric Wagner

  • March - Cooper Island Research in the Arctic with biologist and ornithologist, George Divoky