Thank You from Alexander Raffetto

Thank You from Alexander Raffetto

Thanks to the donations from generous members of EAS, the Youth Education Committee awards two college scholarships of $2000.00 to deserving high school seniors whose focus is on science and the environment. Alexander Raffetto plans to attend the College of William and Mary in the fall and is grateful to our  members for this scholarship. Please read his thank-you below:

“I would like to thank everyone who was involved with the Eastside Audubon Society Scholarship for providing this opportunity to me. My family and I were very excited and surprised to hear that I was receiving the scholarship. I plan to attend the College of William and Mary and I am very grateful that you have pitched in to help me do this. William and Mary does a lot of ornithological research and even has a course which makes me very excited. It is also located close to the Chesapeake Bay, so I am excited to experience new ecosystems and a different environment. It makes me incredibly happy that I am a step closer to my dream of becoming a biologist, and you were all a part of helping make that a reality. I want to do meaningful research in the lab and in the field, and I hope that in the future I can help give back to this community even more in some form or another as repayment for everything you have done for me, so thank you again. 


Alexander Raffetto”