The Bird Gallery Has Been Updated

The Bird Gallery Has Been Updated

The Eastside Audubon Bird Gallery is a repository of 27 years of Bird of the Month columns written by Hugh Jennings and Andy McCormick. To date there are 206 articles and photos of your favorite birds from Washington sprinkled with a few from other places. We have updated the gallery by reorganizing the bird categories and included more photos from the EAS Photo Group. 

The new gallery has been divided into 12 categories to help you find birds more easily. Birds are not in traditional taxonomic order but are grouped by the types of birds you might see together or by habitat. Here are the categories with the number of birds in each category in parentheses: Shorebirds (26), Birds of Prey (25), Hummingbirds and Doves (7), Grassland Birds (7), Woodpeckers and Jays (11), Finches (7), Sparrows (14), Seabirds and Gulls (23), Marsh Birds (15), Waterfowl (26), Woodland Birds (26), and Warblers and Flycatchers (19). 

The Bird of the Month column has been a popular feature in the chapter’s monthly newsletter The Corvid Crier since 1995. Begun by Hugh Jennings, who wrote articles until early 2009, the regular column has been written since then by Andy McCormick. Both writers have had a good knowledge of birds and enjoy passing on their experience in an engaging manner with identification tips, natural history, and conservation information about each bird species. Almost all of the birds can be found in Washington, but occasionally a rare or newsworthy bird is featured.

The Bird Gallery will continue to grow as each Bird of the Month column is added to the collection. The gallery is available to anyone who visits the website here. Check it out and enjoy reading about the birds of our wonderful State of Washington. 

Thanks to Hugh and Andy for their writing, Tyler Hartje for improving the website, Penelope Kipps and other previous editors of The Corvid Crier, and Amanda Leon, the chapter’s current Executive Director for keeping it all organized.