President’s Letter: You Can Make a Difference in Your Community

Lori Danielson, president of Eastside Audubon Society.

President’s Letter: You Can Make a Difference in Your Community 

By Lori Danielson

The place where I live is really important to me. Not just my house, but the quality of my neighborhood and community, my city and state. I want to live in a place where birds, animals and people flourish together, a place that’s safe, not polluted, has affordable houses, and that has thriving small businesses and well-functioning government and schools. It takes community member participation to create places like this: people who care and get involved to shape the institutions and activities in the places they live. That’s one of the reasons I got involved with Eastside Audubon and it’s also why I make my voice heard to my legislators.

There are numerous ways to get involved and make your community a better place. Volunteering for an organization that speaks to your interests is one. There are so many nonprofits doing important work here and most all of them appreciate having volunteers. The websites and can help you find a nonprofit that sparks your passion. And of course, Eastside Audubon has open volunteer roles we’d like to fill! 

Cities want community members to fill their boards and commissions in order to provide input on everything from the environment to equity to economic vitality. I know Redmond and Issaquah recently publicized openings and the application processes for their boards and commissions, and I suspect that’s true of your city too. Doing an internet search for your city’s name plus “boards commissions” will probably send you to the right web page to learn more.

Writing your state legislators is an important piece too. Although this year’s Washington Legislature session will soon end, legislators want to hear from constituents like you year-round. Find information about how to contact your legislator at  

For me, hearing continuous newscasts about national and world problems is overwhelming, depressing and makes me feel helpless. But getting involved locally to make my own community a better place is one way I combat those negative feelings. I hope it can for you too.