Birdathon is Next Month!

Birdathon is Next Month!

by Lori Danielson

Get ready to join Eastside Audubon in May 2022 for our most rewarding fundraiser: Birdathon! You can participate in any of several birding trips, count birds as a family, or make a donation to support our chapter’s conservation, education, and advocacy work. Birdathon is like a walkathon, a bike-a-thon, or dance-a-thon. It’s a way to put the fun in fundraising by getting lots of people excited about conservation. Like a walkathon, participants gather pledges from friends, family, work colleagues, and others who want to help Eastside Audubon keep providing the great programs we offer the community. Instead of getting a pledge of $1.00 per mile walked, bird enthusiasts ask for a pledge for each bird seen by a person or team. Audubon chapters all over the country hold this entertaining and creative event during the month of May.

The pandemic forced a halt to this traditional chapter fundraiser over the past two years, but we’re working to revive it. We’ll soon post the list of birding trips and related activities, so please watch our Birdathon page and our calendar for updates. Flock with us this May to support the chapter!

Photo Credit: Mick Thompson.