Tree Giveaway

Eastside Audubon is partnering with the Carbon Capture Foundation in their tree giveaway program.

The trees will be bare root which means they will require more care than potted specimens typically purchased from nurseries.  And, although the trees will be small when they arrive, mostly 1’ to 3’ in height, you’ll need to allow plenty of room because they will grow into big trees. 

Bigleaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum)

Bigleaf Maple is aptly named bearing leaves that can measure 1’ across.  It is grows to 100’ in height with a width of 45.’  Found in our forest alongside Douglasfir in moist to dry soil.

Douglasfir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

One of the most common conifers in our local woodlands, Douglasfir can grow to 300’ in the wild, but in cultivation often only reach 150.’  It is found on moist to dry sites at low to high elevations.

Garry Oak (Quercus garryana)

This stately oak is usually found on dry, rocky slopes at low elevations.  Although some may remain shrubby, it often grows to 75’ in height and 60’ wide.

We anticipate receiving the trees in December or January.  If you are interested in receiving one, please let us know by emailing