Barred Owl
Short-eared Owl
Great Horned Owl
Barn Owl
The combination of the Barn Owl’s eerie screaming call, its ghostly white color, and its roosting in church belfries gave rise to many superstitions associated with it. In English folklore the Barn Owl had a sinister reputation and poets Robert Blair and William Wordsworth considered it a “bird of doom”.
Northern Pygmy-Owl
The Northern Pygmy-Owl (NOPO) is about 6.75” long with a wingspan of 12” and weight is 2.5 oz (70g). The genus name, Glaucidium (glaw-SID-ih-um), is shared with the Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl and is Latin from the Greek glaux, diminutive of glaukidion, meaning a kind of owl, so-called from its glaring eyes.