A conservative estimate of bird deaths from flying into building windows in the United States ranges between 365 to 988 million birds per year. This huge number of birds killed annually is second only to predation by domestic cats which kill between 1.4 and 3.7 billion birds each year.
Don’t Forget the Insects!
Don’t Forget the Insects!
Written by Jim Rettig
Birders spend a lot of time (and money) looking at, learning about, and photographing birds. It’s a terrific hobby: it gets you outside, keeps you active, opens up the beauty and complexity of the natural world, helps you make new and lasting friends, puts you in touch with conservation organizations locally and around the world, and can get you active in local conservation efforts. And it also opens up other areas of interest, such as insects: dragonflies and butterflies to name two.
Insects and other invertebrates play key ecological roles in the complex and intricate natural world, and are critical to the survival of countless other species. According to Merrill Peterson, “The diversity of life . . . reaches a pinnacle in the insect world. . . . Indeed, according to current estimates, insects account for about two-thirds of the species of multicellular organisms [and] the variety of insects is enough to boggle the mind. Here in the Pacific Northwest, there are more than 30,000 species of insects, and if you were to thoroughly sample the fauna of your backyard, you would almost certainly find more species of insects than the entire diversity of birds in the U.S. and Canada.” ¹
Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly by Jim Rettig
Herbivorous insects drive plant diversity by making plants evolve new defenses so they aren’t always eaten. Herbivores limit the ability of a single plant species to dominate the landscape (except when we use pesticides and herbicides that enable invasive species to push out natives). As pollinators, insects enable flowering plants to thrive. They feed on dead matter which facilitates microbial breakdown thus recycling nutrients and make them available to other plants. And, of course, insects become food for birds, fish, amphibians, and mammals such as Grizzly Bears in Montana which eat migrating moths. Insects provide humans with honey, silk, wax, dyes, and, in some cultures, food. They are also essential subjects in medical and basic biological research.
Unfortunately, just as bird populations are decreasing, so too are populations of insect species.
You know the reasons: among them are the increasing use of herbicides and pesticides, monocultural farming, habitat loss, and invasive species that offer no food to local insects.
So in urging all of us not to forget the insects, I offer eight things we can do to create insect-friendly habitats. The eight listed here summarize an article written by Akito Y. Kawahara and others, which appeared in a National Academy of Sciences publication.²
Convert lawns into diverse natural habitats. In the United States alone there are over 40 million acres of lawns, all biodiversity deserts. Even if we converted only 10% or our lawns, that could significantly aid insect conservation. And if every school and local park did the same, usable habitat for insects would increase by millions of acres.
Grow native plants. Members of Audubon know this already. Native insects and birds need native plants, plants they they have evolved with over millions of years.
Reduce pesticide and herbicide use. Or stop using these products altogether. They not only kill insects and plants, many are harmful to humans in various ways.
Limit the use of exterior lighting. Light pollution attracts nocturnal insects. Artificial lights are powerful sensory traps that can kill insects through exhaustion or predation.
Lessen soap runoff from washing vehicles and building exteriors, and reduce use of driveway sealants and de-icing salts. Soaps, sealants and salts produce significant quantities of pollutants that can drain into local water systems killing aquatic insects. Use biodegradable soaps, soy-based sealants, and shovels or snowblowers to get rid of the snow and ice.
Increase the awareness and appreciation of insects by countering negative perceptions of insects. Get to know the benefits that insects bring to humankind. Such benefits can easily be remembered as the “5Ps”: 1) Pollinators, 2) Prey, 3) Physical decomposers, 4) Progress — helping science and technology, 5) Pleasure — they bring beauty, delight, and fascination to those who look.
Become an educator, ambassador, and advocate for insect conservation. Point them out to your children and grandchildren. Join The Xerces Society³ which is dedicated to conserving, enhancing, and protecting insects and other invertebrates. It publishes a new activity book called X Kids that uses story-telling and science-based activities to help children discover the environment around them.
Get involved in local politics, support science, and vote! Political action at the local level can significantly advance insect conservation.
Golden Crab Spider with Fly by Jim Rettig
A few years ago, my two sons and I hiked into Yellow Aster Butte in the North Cascades. When I walked out a few days later I took lots of time getting to the car because I was photographing such a wide variety of blooming flowers. Very impressive. And when I think of how insects drove plants to evolve to defend themselves from these predators, resulting in such a great variety if blossoming beauties, I give thanks to the Creator for both the flora and fauna.
Don’t forget the insects.
¹Merrill A. Peterson, Pacific Northwest INSECTS, Seattle Audubon, 2018
² If you’d like to get a copy of this article, contact me at jrettigtanager@gmail.com.
³Contact The Xerces Society at xerces.org or call toll-free 855-232-6639.
Prairie Falcon
Photo of the Month: May
A Birding Couple that Clicks Together is Named as Photographers of the Month in May
Don and Margaret Larkin were named the photographers of the month for their outstanding work presented to the Eastside Audubon Photography Group in May. The husband-and-wife team are frequent contributors to the group and are recognized by other participants for their knowledge of bird photography as well as their understanding of bird behavior.
Don and Margaret Larkin getting ready for more nature adventures.
They have been photographing nature since before they were a couple. On their first date, Don asked Margaret if she would like to travel with him to photograph the Olympic National Park, and they have been clicking shutters together ever since.
Don learned photography in college as a fun escape to the outdoors, focusing on landscapes. Margaret grew up in rural Eastern Washington and learned about all the birds chirping around her. She got interested in nature photography in her early 30s when she took a class at Seattle Mountaineers. They met in the Mountaineers and became active trip leaders for the photography committee.
“Over the past 20 years together, we have merged our photography interests by shooting landscapes, wildlife, and birds, sometimes all on the same trip,” says Margaret. “It can be fun and exhausting, and there have been times when we have kissed the car after bushwhacking our way back in the middle of the night.”
“We both enjoy getting out in nature and photographing together, seeing different possibilities with the same subject and ending up with very different photos,” Don says. “What is special is the support and collaboration we have together. Margaret researches where we might find good subjects by using birding apps and checking E-bird. I research where the bakeries are and make sure Margaret has her latte.”
You can see more of their work on SmugMug and Instagram.
Photo Details
Sapsucker Pair. Afternoon Delight. Shot by Don at the Stillwater Unit of the Snoqualmie Valley Wildlife Area. Don saw the birds land on the limb at eye level. He was able to walk slowly to a clear area between two large trees and take the photos. They were quick about it and soon took off in different directions.
The photo was taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera using a Canon EF 500mm lf4 lens. The shutter speed was 1/750 of a second, ISO 1250, and the aperture was set at f/6.7.
Yellow-rumped Warber. Shot by Don at Juanita Bay. This Yellow-rumped Warbler is surrounded by willow trees in the background and foreground.
The photo was shot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera using a Canon EF 500mm lf4 lens. The shutter speed was 1/750 of a second, ISO 1250, and the aperture was set at f/6.7.
Bullock’s Oriole. Shot by Margaret at the Stillwater Unit of the Snoqualmie Valley Wildlife Area. Here is a Bullock’s Oriole, a beautiful bird in the fresh spring foliage.
The photo was taken with a Sony A73 camera and FE 200-600 lens at 600 mm. The shutter speed was 1/320 of a second, ISO 1250, and the aperture was set at f/11.
Yellow-rumped Warbler on Willow branch. Shot by Margaret Juanita Bay. This little warbler was actively gleaning insects from an overhead branch. The gray sky made a good background for the warbler with its gray, yellow, and black plumage.
Shot with a Sony A73 camera using a FE 200-600 lens at 600 mm. The shutter speed was 1/320 of a second, ISO 125, and the aperture was set at f/11.
About the Eastside Audubon Photograph of the Month Award
The Photo of the Month award was instituted to recognize the work of the Photo Group Members. The group members meet monthly to show their latest photos and videos as well as share their knowledge of photography and wildlife. To attend the meeting, please join the group’s announcement list
Volunteer Holiday Gift Wrapping Program Manager Needed!
Volunteer Holiday Gift Wrapping Program Manager Needed!
Do you have an interest in volunteering with Eastside Audubon in leadership capacity? If so, we want to hear from you!
Eastside Audubon is looking for a volunteer to become our Holiday Gift Wrapping Program Manager.
Prior to the COVID pandemic, Eastside Audubon would hold an annual holiday gift wrapping booth during the week leading up to Christmas. Our booth was located inside the REI store in Issaquah. Our volunteers would wrap gifts in cloth gift bags made by our members or wrapping paper in exchange for donations from shoppers. We would like to restart that tradition.
About You:
You are an enthusiastic person who can jump in with both feet and represent the chapter. Building relationships with other volunteers and organizations is your jam.
About The Position:
This position requires a commitment of a few hours a week, from July through the end of December. Specific duties can be summed up into 3 categories:
Materials. Solicit donations for the cloth to make the gift bags from Eastside Audubon members or organizations in our service area
Relationship Development. You will work with REI Issaquah or another business that is willing to host the fundraiser again and schedule the time that our gift wrapping booth will be there.
Volunteer Recruitment. Recruit volunteers to sew the gift bags and others to do the gift wrapping. Historically, we have staffed the booth every evening and on the weekend for the week leading up to Christmas.
Don’t let this sound overwhelming. This is a fun and rewarding part of our fundraising efforts and we will support and guide you 100% of the way!
For more information, please reach out to Jeremy Lucas at Jeremy.lucas79@gmail.com
What Does the Sale of Carbon Credits in Issaquah Mean for Birds?
On June 3, 2022 The Seattle Times reported that Regan Network Development, a Deleware-based blockchain software development company, bought $1 million in carbon credits generated by a 46-acre forest in Issaquah. The money earned from the credits will be used by King County, the City of Issaquah, and the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust to further protect and conserve urban forests.
Redmond Declares World Migratory Bird Day
Redmond Declares World Migratory Bird Day
Thanks to the efforts of Joshua Feldon, a high school junior and new Conservation Committee member, Redmond proclaimed May 14, 2022 as World Migratory Bird Day.
Joshua Feldon and proclamation signed by Mayor Angela Birney.
Though birders are all aware of the astonishing feat that millions of birds perform twice yearly flying from their winter homes in Central and South America to their breeding grounds in North America and back again, many in the public remain unaware. As a first step in promoting bird-friendly communities and to increase public awareness, Joshua presented the Redmond City Council with the proclamation which was signed by Mayor Angela Birney.
Josh started noticing backyard and neighborhood birds while spending extra time at home during the pandemic. He became fascinated by the wide variety of avian sights, sounds, and behaviors and started to look forward to seeing both new species and familiar visitors. When he developed a soft spot for a visiting Northern Flicker he named “Windom” he knew he was hooked and started looking for ways to help our local birds thrive. Working with EAS has been a natural fit. An honors student at Redmond High School, Josh hopes to someday combine his STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) talents and his passion for wildlife as an environmental engineer
So, what’s next? Joshua suggested the Conservation Committee join National Audubon and the International Dark-sky Association in developing a Lights Out program, which encourages building owners and managers to turn off excess lighting during migrating months. We are getting our subcommittee organized. If you or someone you know is interested in being on the team, we would be delighted to have you join us. Please email the office or Claire Waltman, Conservation Chair, at cwaltman1@gmail.com.
Photo of the Month: April
Mick Thompson’s Stunning Photo of American Kestrels Mating Wins the Photo of the Month Award
There’s a saying that “luck comes to those who are prepared.” Nothing could illustrate this better than Mick Thompson’s photo of two American Kestrels mating. The shot was unanimously selected as the Photo of the Month by the Eastside Audubon Society Photography Group in April.
Mick was preparing to take a photo of a female Kestrel when a male swooped in from nowhere at the Canoa Ranch Conservation Park in Green Valley, Arizona in March. The mating lasted a matter of seconds. Mick is known to many Eastside Audubon members for his photo donations to the organization’s website as well the images he has shot for the Bird Note organization. Mick’s photography style is characterized by its artistry as well as technical excellence. He is self-taught and started bird photography in 1986. He started spending a lot of time on bird photography about 12 years ago. “I enjoy being out in the natural world as I try to get nice photos and also seeing them used by Audubon to support the great work they do,” he says. More of his work can be seen on Instagram.
American Kestrel by Mick Thompson.
The photo was taken with an Olympus E-M1X with a 150-400mm with a 1.4x converter. The shutter was 1/4000 of a second, the ISO 1600, and the aperture was set at f/8.0.
Great Gray Owl
Micro-volunteering at Eastside Audubon
Save Coal Creek
The Coal Creek land is owned by Isola Homes, which wants to obtain permits for developing 35 clustered homes on approximately six acres of the property. Save Coal Creek, the non-profit organization, was formed with the goal of finding a way to intervene in the permitting process so that the land could be purchased and preserved as a connecting link between the two public park areas described below.
2022 College Scholarship Award Winner
2022 College Scholarship Award Winner
Written by Mary Britton-Simmons
Thanks to the generous donations of Eastside Audubon members, the Youth Education Committee awarded Connie Huang a $5000.00 college scholarship. A senior from Skyline High School in the Issaquah School District, she is passionate about the environment, specifically about climate justice. “I work to advocate for equitable solutions to intersectional issues that are caused by the warming climate. I find myself drawn to creating paths to alleviate the stressors of environmental racism, climate disasters, and global warming that marginalized communities are especially vulnerable to.”
From protesting as a toddler against pruning and mowing her backyard “plant friends” to planning Earth Day protests in Seattle, Connie has always been an activist. As the co-president of her school’s Green Team, she works in the school garden, is involved in upcycling projects, and competed in the first Envirothon chapter at Skyline where they won second place. Her activism does not stop at Skyline’s front door. Connie is a council member of the Future Blue Youth Council which focuses on youth-led environmental projects. In addition, she is a community organizer for Washington Youth for Climate Justice where she plans and leads education circles, develops webinars about climate justice, organizes protests, and helps to establish fund raisers for unhoused people.
In spite of all her activism, she maintains an A average while taking advanced courses at Skyline High School. And her plans for university? “I plan to major in sustainable development and seek to strengthen my ability to ground environmental science in problems of human society by minoring in sociology.”
All applicants must respond to eight questions. When asked, “What is the most interesting thing you have learned in high school,” Connie responded, “In the soil beneath our feet, the trees are talking.” She described their subterrestrial network of communication. “Trees have taught me the importance of mutual love and care in building healthy and sustainable communities where every member feels that their role is central to the community.”
In the future, the world will definitely hear more from Connie Huang. She represents the best of youth and hope for the environment.
Photo Credit: Green Tree by Alexander Kovalyov.
Who Uses eBird for Science and Why?
Oh The Birds We'll See!
Oh The Birds We'll See!
By Lori Danielson
In addition to the Birdathon events in May that anyone can participate in, Eastside Audubon also has two teams dedicated to raising money by seeing as many birds as possible and having fun while they’re doing it!
The Karismatic Kestrels, led by captain Andy McCormick, with team members Carol Carlson-Ray, Maureen Sunn, Nancy Hubly, Margaret Snell, and Jeremy Lucas are dynamic birders who have won Most Money Raised and Most Bird Species categories in the past. They are literally driven to succeed in 2022 because they will be driving a new route through Whidbey Island and the Skagit Valley to find as many bird species as they can. The team began in 2009 as the Mountains to the Lake Team and in 2014 they took on the mascot of the American Kestrel and changed their name to the Karismatic Kestrels. This will be their 14th Birdathon raising funds for Eastside Audubon. They have been flying high ever since. The Kestrels have the determination and speed of their namesake falcon and love finding birds for the Eastside Audubon Birdathon. You can support their efforts by pledging an amount of money per bird species they find or make a donation in any amount. They are working to protect this small falcon and all the other wonderful birds we all love. All sponsors of the Karismatic Kestrels who provide an email address will receive a list of the birds they find on their Big Day, May 10, 2022.
The second team is a relative newcomer, Team Pelican Dive Bar, with captain Jeremy Lucas and team member Andy McCormick. Pelican Dive Bar is a small group of birders dedicated to raising awareness for bird conservation. This team focuses on sea and shore birds, and the healthy habitat these amazing avian species rely upon. They do so with a smile and a great sense of humor. Their Big Day event will actually be a “Big weekend”. On Day 1, they will explore the coast along Grays Harbor County, looking for shore birds scavenging for whatever bounty the ocean brings. On Day 2, they will set sail on a day cruise and head out to the open Pacific, looking for a variety of pelagic sea birds.
Please support our teams by donating to Eastside Audubon. Your contribution helps our organization protect birds and their habitat. You can support these teams by pledging money towards their effort at the Eastside Audubon Birdathon page here.
Birdathon is Here!
Birdathon is Here! Join One of Our Special Events
By Lori Danielson
We’re kicking off Birdathon events this year on April 30th and they’ll continue through May 21st. Birdathon is the biggest annual fundraiser for Eastside Audubon and we have scheduled several special birding trips, a “Big Sit” and a bird photography workshop designed especially for beginners. We even have a Big Day competition with prizes! See the event descriptions below.
These seven April and May events with their registration links (for some events) are also on our website calendar here. Please look there for any updates. Your donations, paid online or provided to the trip leader at the start of the trip, will support the chapter’s conservation, education, and advocacy work. We look forward to having you join us to view our spring birds and support the chapter!
TIME: 6:15 AM departure from Kirkland Park & Ride to be on 7:10 AM ferry from Edmonds to Kingston.
DONATION: $25 suggested donation to Eastside Audubon for Birdathon.
MEETING PLACE: Meet at north end of the Kingsgate Park & Ride, 13001 116th Ave NE, Kirkland, WA 98034 at 6:15 AM for carpooling.
REGISTRATION: REQUIRED. Registration link here.
DESCRIPTION: Hansville, Point No Point, and Foulweather Bluff are excellent spots for seeing seabirds including Marbled Murrelet, Rhinocerous Auklet and other alcids, Bonaparte’s Gull, and Long-tailed Duck is possible, Loons, grebes, and Black Brant should be around. The area is on a migrant flyway, and we will also bird the marsh, and walk the wooded Point No Point trail, and look skyward for a variety of flight migrants including warblers, vireos, and other birds heading north. We will also walk the wooded trail at Foulweather Bluff and visit two other parks in Hansville. Bring binoculars, camera, (scope is optional), lunch, fluids, and a snack. Dress for the weather. We will walk from the cars up to a mile on two different forest trails, but some may want to continue a sea watch instead. Restrooms are available on the ferry, at the lighthouse, and in Hansville. Back by early evening depending on ferry service. Discover Pass is needed by drivers. Carpool cost: $10.00 per non-driver, plus cost of ferry, shared equally by riders. Contact trip leader Andy McCormick at 425-518-0892 with any questions.
ALTERNATIVE MEETING PLACE: Those who wish to meet in Hansville should take the 7:10 AM ferry from Edmonds, then WA-104 from the Kingston ferry terminal for two miles, turn right on Hansville Road NE for eight miles. In Hansville turn right on NE Point No Point Road for one mile and park in the lighthouse parking lot.
100 Brown Farm Road, Olympia, WA 98516
TIME: 7:30 AM – 10 AM
DONATION: $25 suggested donation to Eastside Audubon for Birdathon.
MEETING PLACE: Meet before 7:30 AM in front of the Nisqually Refuge’s visitor center entrance.
REGISTRATION: NOT REQUIRED. Contact Raghav at raghuvmehta@gmail.com with any questions.
DESCRIPTION: Any experienced bird photographer will tell you that bird photography is hard but extremely rewarding. Birds can be elusive and only present for momentary opportunities for the photographer. This field trip is designed help new photographers learn how to find and photograph birds. It will be led by Raghav Mehta, a veteran bird photographer and winner of two Eastside Audubon photography awards. Access to a DLSR or mirrorless camera and telephoto lens is recommended but not required.
The Nisqually Wildlife Refuge is home for some 20,000 migratory waterfowl. The grasslands teem with mice and voles that are meals for hawks, owls, and eagles. Thick cattails and sedges provide homes to marsh wrens, soras, bitterns, and swallows. The refuge has a daily fee of $3.00 per four adults. This can be paid at the kiosk outside the visitor center. If you have a pass for the refuge, please keep it with you and don't leave it in your vehicle. Read more details about the refuge here. There are well-maintained restrooms available at the visitor center.
This is a meet-you-there trip. Please meet before 7:30 AM in front of the visitor center entrance. We will not be carpooling and the walk is limited to those vaccinated against COVID-19. The trip leader is fully vaccinated. Please bring a bottle of water, a snack if you like, and wear comfortable shoes & appropriate clothing as per the weather. This trip is a leisurely walk, with a mostly flat grass/gravel/pavement/boardwalk for 2 to 4 miles.
3650 West Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE, Redmond, WA 98052
TIME: 6 AM – 12 PM, choose a 1 to 2 hour time period.
DONATION: $25 suggested donation to Eastside Audubon for Birdathon.
MEETING PLACE: Idylwood Park’s northern beach area, directly downhill from the parking area.
REGISTRATION: REQUIRED. Contact Anne Wehrly by email at annewehrly@gmail.com to pre-register for a time slot or with any questions.
DESCRIPTION: We will try out a different way to bird, sitting in camp chairs near the Lake Sammamish shoreline, with our binoculars and a spotting scope. Both waterfowl and songbirds will be present in good variety, and bald eagles are commonly seen here as well. This event could be great for people with mobility or energy limitations, and also for beginning birders.
The Big Sit will run from 6 AM until noon, and participants will be asked to pre-register for a 1-2 hour time slot so we don't get overcrowded. Bring your own camp chair, protection from cold, sun or rain as appropriate, and snacks if desired. This park has accessible parking and restrooms. Meet in the northern beach area, directly downhill from the parking area.
TIME: Between 12 AM (midnight) to 11:59 PM
DONATION: $10 registration fee per participant to Eastside Audubon for Birdathon.
REGISTRATION: REQUIRED. Registration link here.
DESCRIPTION: Global Big Day is an annual celebration of the birds around us. To celebrate this day, Eastside Audubon is conducting a fun birding competition! This competition will give birders opportunities to:
Contribute important data through eBird checklists to help scientists better understand birds.
Donate to Eastside Audubon to support its work to preserve and enhance ecosystems for the benefit of birds.
Compete with other birders, have fun and win some cool prizes!
How to participate?
Register as an individual or team. Registration fee is $10 per participant. Last date to register is May 13, 2022.
Create a trip report (Named GBD_Team/Individual Name) on eBird and share it with eastsideAS on eBird. Learn how to create a trip report here. Don’t have an eBird account? Get started here.
Go birding on May 14th and add all checklists into the trip report for review by the judges.
Results to be announced through mail and social media on May 22nd!
Competition Guidelines
Checklists should be created while birding in Washington State.
Checklists should record birds seen/heard only between midnight May 14 to midnight May 15.
Birds can be identified by sight or sound.
Playback of recorded bird songs should not be used to lure birds in.
All participants should follow the ABA Code of Ethics.
Additional Guidelines for teams
At least two of the team members should identify each species recorded.
Team members should bird together (within shouting distance) and should not split up to cover more area.
There will be prizes for two individuals who record the greatest number of species; a prize for the team which most number of species recorded; a prize for individual who spots the rarest bird, and a lucky draw participant prize!
Winners can choose one of these three cool birding accessories as their prize:
We look forward to your participation! If you have any questions, please feel free to write to shrutijayaprakash@gmail.com.
100 Brown Farm Road, Olympia, WA 98516
DONATION: $25 suggested donation to Eastside Audubon for Birdathon.
MEETING PLACE: Meet at 7 AM in front of the Nisqually Refuge’s visitor center.
REGISTRATION: NOT REQUIRED. Contact Shruti by email at shrutijayaprkash@gmail.com with any questions.
DESCRIPTION: Join Raghav and Shruti for a bird walk at the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge. The refuge has various types of habitats and hence a wide variety of birds. We expect to see spring migrants and a variety of waterfowl and raptors.
We will be meeting at 7:00 AM in front of the refuge’s visitor center. The four-mile round-trip walk will be at a leisurely pace on flat terrain and will take approximately 4 hours. Please bring your binoculars, a bottle of water and a snack if you like; and wear comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothing. The refuge has a daily fee of $3.00 per four adults. This can be paid at the kiosk outside the visitor center. If you have a pass for the refuge, please keep it with you and don't leave it in your vehicle. Read more details about the refuge here. There are well-maintained restrooms available at the visitor center.
TIME: Meet at 7 AM to carpool.
DONATION: $25 suggested donation to Eastside Audubon for Birdathon.
MEETING PLACE: At the uncovered Tibbetts Lot at 1675 Newport Way NW, Issaquah.
REGISTRATION: REQUIRED. Registration link here. Contact trip leader Andy McCormick at 425-518-0892 with any questions.
DESCRIPTION: Rattlesnake and Christmas Lakes offer a variety of habitats for spring birding in the Cascade foothills near North Bend. We will walk on a paved trail with some slight inclines along the shore of Rattlesnake Lake looking for MacGillivray’s Warbler, Rufous Hummingbird, Warbling Vireo, Spotted Sandpiper, and Osprey. Then we’ll follow the Christmas Lake gravel and dirt foot trail looking for Pacific-slope flycatchers, hoping for an Olive-sided Flycatcher (uncommon), Hairy and Pileated Woodpeckers, various swallows, Yellow and Black-throated Gray Warblers, and Common Yellowthroat. The old red alders, second-growth conifers, black cottonwoods, wetlands and lake provide a variety of habitats and possibly some unexpected species. Total walking distance is about three miles over paved, gravel, and dirt paths. Bring binoculars, camera, (scope is optional), lunch, water and a snack. Dress for the weather. We will return by early afternoon. Carpool cost is $9.00.
ALTERNATIVE MEETING PLACE: Those who prefer to meet at Rattlesnake Lake take I-90 east and Exit 32 to turn right onto 436th Ave SE. Drive 5 miles to the Rattlesnake Lake parking area. Please arrive by 7:45 AM.
2000 NW Sammamish Road, Issaquah, WA 98027
TIME: 8 AM – 10:30 AM
DONATION: $25 suggested donation to Eastside Audubon for Birdathon.
MEETING PLACE: Lake Sammamish State Park’s rotunda picnic shelter.
REGISTRATION: NOT REQUIRED. Contact Lori by email at lddanielson@gmail.com with any questions.
DESCRIPTION: Join Lori for a birding tour at Issaquah’s Lake Sammamish State Park. Meet at 8:00 AM at the park’s rotunda picnic shelter, visible near the park entrance. The walk will be at a leisurely pace on flat terrain and will take approximately 2.5 hours. Please bring your binoculars, water and a snack if you like. Wear comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothing. A Washington State Park Discover Pass is required.
Photo credit: Silverbill Birds by Sajis Rashan De Silva.
Tree Snags: When Decay and Death Mean Habitat and Life
Tree Snags: When Decay and Death Mean Habitat and Life
Written by Mary Johnson of the Sammamish Stewards
Several years ago, during a routine visual inspection of the trees in our yard, the arborist noticed a crack in the bark near the base of one of our Douglas-fir trees. A subsequent resistograph test, which looks at the condition of a tree’s internal structure, revealed significant decay. This structural defect meant potential trouble, given that the tree was growing close to our house. Even worse, it stood between our house and the direction of the prevailing winds, which often blow fiercely from the southwest during the fall and winter months.
Northern Flicker looking out from atop the snag.
We made the difficult decision to remove the tree. But instead of having the 125-foot tree cut down to its base—the usual approach to solving the problem of a hazardous tree—our arborist encouraged us to snag it. Snagging involved reducing the tree in size to about 30 feet, a height where it was unlikely to fall over or break under a windload as it slowly decayed over time.
We further learned that creating a snag, or a standing dead tree, would provide essential habitat for birds, small mammals, and other wildlife. In comparison, cutting the tree to the ground meant destroying habitat and losing all the vital ecosystem services the tree had been providing over its lifetime. Snagging made sense. Especially when so much habitat is being lost in our urban areas due to building construction.
The top of our snag was made to look like it had been broken in a storm. It’s since become a frequent perch for northern flickers, who have a 360-degree view of their territory.
Pileated Woodpecker working on the bark of the snag.
As the wood began to decay and the early decomposers set up shop, it wasn’t long before we began to see pileated woodpeckers dropping by on insect-hunting expeditions, making their characteristic rectangular-shaped holes in the bark as they excavated.
Smaller and rounder excavation holes started to appear up and down the trunk, evidence of the northern flickers and other woodpeckers at work. Eventually, some of these holes will deepen and become cavities—in short supply in the urban landscape—providing needed nesting sites for chickadees, nuthatches, and other cavity nesters.*
Just the other day, we witnessed an avian drama play out as a pair of chestnut-backed chickadees arrived and began to peck away at a starter hole, working diligently through the morning to enlarge it wood chip by wood chip. Suddenly a northern flicker appeared on the scene, driving the chickadees away, and taking over the hole. In the end, the hole was abandoned—for now anyway.
And then there’s the occasional brown creeper that drops by and spirals up the trunk as it probes the bark crevices for insects using its long, downward-curving bill. As the bark continues to loosen, will this tiny bird one day find a suitable nesting spot under it?
As the decay progresses, the fungi are thriving too. Recently, an impressive clump of mushrooms sprouted near the base of the trunk.
Fungi sprouting from the decaying snag.
For now, the snag in our yard is a vertical habitat. Eventually though it will fall to the ground, and an entirely new ecosystem will begin. The downed log will provide food and shelter to plants and animals as it rots and recycles nutrients back into the soil.
Snagging a tree might not be a viable option in all circumstances. But when it is, a standing dead tree is a wise investment in habitat creation and helping to maintain biodiversity.
*According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, west of the Cascade Mountains 39 species of birds and 14 species of mammals depend on tree cavities for their survival. “Living with Wildlife. Snags – The Wildlife Tree. The Importance of Snags in Your Neighborhood.” Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2011.
Photo Credit: Red-breasted Nuthatch by Jerry McFarland.