To protect, preserve and enhance natural ecosystems and our communities for the benefit of birds, other wildlife and people.

Map of the Eastside Audubon service area

Eastside Audubon Service Area

Eastside Audubon is the National Audubon Society chapter for eastern King County, including Bellevue, Bothell, Carnation, Duvall, Fall City, Issaquah, Kenmore, Kirkland, Medina, North Bend, Preston, Redmond, Sammamish, Snoqualmie, Woodinville, and the contiguous communities and unincorporated areas.

Mark your calendars!
Our biggest fundraiser of the year, Birdathon, is coming up in May.

Similar to a walk-a-thon or bike-a-thon, “Bird-a-thon” is about bringing people together in support of conservation. Every dollar raised helps fund our annual programs, including bird walks, program nights, habitat restorations, and so much more.

This year, we’re offering a variety of birding field trips, special events, and hosting two Big Day teams — so there’s something for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned birder or just getting started!

Birding Classes

We are excited to be offering two birding classes at this time!

Beginner and Intermediate Birding Classes to help you learn birding basics, or intermediate techniques to spot the most amount of birds!

Beginning Shorebirds Class covers identification techniques and help you become more comfortable with shorebird birding.

Program Night:
Living with Birds, Bugs and Wildlife in Your Yard

Did you know your yard could host up to 50 species of birds, along with numerous bugs and mammals?

Join us in-person on April 24th at Bellevue Botanical Gardens with Master Birder and Gardener Penny Bolton for an engaging talk on the richness of wildlife in your backyard.


Eastside Audubon is a volunteer-run organization, and with your donation we are able to continue our work in conservation, education, and inspiration. Thank you!